Information below may still change, but this is the most likely timetable as of 22 November

T :: Thursday :: 8 December

11:00 – 11:30 CET

Gender-inclusive language has the power to address everyone by changing bits and pieces to the way we construct messages. If used correctly, and by that, I mean not for marketing purposes, brands and individuals can change the world with it.

Trop souvent, les interprètes de conférence oublient de soigner leurs relations publiques et oublient de communiquer. Pourquoi et comment y remédier ?

Je propose de parler soft skills, networking et cartes de visite… entre autres !

11:30 – 12:00 CET

Gender-inclusive language has the power to address everyone by changing bits and pieces to the way we construct messages. If used correctly, and by that, I mean not for marketing purposes, brands and individuals can change the world with it.

L’afflux de demandeurs d’asile en Europe a déclenché une forte demande en interprètes communautaires. Quel est le rôle de ces derniers et quels en sont les défis à relever ? Nous allons examiner le cas de la Grèce en illustrant les multiples facettes de ce métier au service de la protection internationale.

12:00 – 12:30 CET

Trados QA tools can be coupled with terminology management to provide translators with assistance for checking that inclusive terminology is used. The presentation is intended as a quick practical walk-through (using German-English as an example).

12:30 – 13:00 CET

Interpreting for victims of modern slavery and human trafficking

We will talk about how interpreters and cultural mediators who can interpret for victims of modern slavery and human trafficking. We will address the role of the interpreter and the investigation process in the UK.

13:00 – 14:00 CET

Networking break

14:00 – 14:30 CET

13:30 – 14:30 CET

Have you ever thought about sharing your translation or interpreting story? Speaking one or more languages and working in a number of language combinations opens doors to a world of experiences. And some of these experiences could prove useful to colleagues and peers and offer others outside the industry an insight into what we do. In this short session, I will talk about the ins and outs of my recently published book: Life Happens: my journey through translation and other stories.

A tradução de culinária, aparentemente tão divertida e óbvia, esconde algumas armadilhas e desafios a cada passo. Quem nunca traduziu em casa alguma receita para experimentar um novo prato? Mas quando se trata de tradução profissional o nível de detalhes e de pesquisa pode tomar muito mais tempo do que pensamos.

14:30 – 15:00 CET

Facing health problems as interpreter and translatorEveryone can experience a time when they get sick often, and although we know that health comes first, how do you continue to provide high-level services as an interpreter and translator? Some advice and some thoughts, based on a (sadly) true story.

Vamos dar uma olhada em alguns programas muito utilizados na linguística de corpus, tais como o TextStat, o AntConc e o Orange, e vamos ver como eles podem nos ajudar a melhorar nossas traduções. Também vamos passar brevemente sobre o funcionamento de expressões regulares e então vamos ver alguns dos principais corpora do inglês e do português brasileiro e mostrar como eles podem ajudar tradutores.

15:00 – 16:00 CET

15:00 – 16:00 CET

An overview of possibilities for greater translation process efficiency with regular expressions in 8 features of memoQ. No coding skills required! The Regex Assistant can help with QA, filters, sophisticated Find & Replace and more and make collaboration with tech experts more effective.

Seja no começo ou no meio da carreira, nós, às vezes, precisamos de um guia. Mentores podem ser a resposta que resolve estes bloqueios e nos libertam para novas aventuras, com os pés firmes e a cabeça erguida. Dificuldades para efetuar mudanças ou tomar decisões quanto a passos futuros podem ser paralisantes. O mentor é quase um terapeuta que derrama aquele facho de luz que faltava sobre o caminho. Vamos discutir algumas ideias e métodos que podem nos ajudar a melhor refletir sobre as dificuldades e superá-las – com ou sem a ajuda de um mentor. Sua participação é bem-vinda, com perguntas e comentários que possam complementar nossa aventura.

16:00 – 17:00 CET

Networking break

17:00 – 17:30 CET

The presentation is made for translators and interpreters working with the Ukrainian and Russian language. During the presentation, I will introduce new words that appeared in those languages since February 24 and explain their meaning, stylistic nuances, and usage. New ways of writing of some words related to Russia and Russian language in the Ukrainian language will also be covered in the presentation.

17:30 – 18:00 CET

What does it take to dictate to our computers and control them by voice? In this presentation, we will explore the traditional and new software tools available to translators, as well as good dictation practices and benefits of translating with our voice.

So you did a job with a reasonable rate of pay so what is the problem? Why are you now feeling stressed? Perhaps the job involved clients from hell or disorganised event organisers? Perhaps the tech check went like a dream but the real thing was the stuff of nightmares? Alternatively the subject matter was harrowing and you think that it has traumatised you?

This interactive session will consider some practical solutions to classic stressors in our profession.

18:00 – 18:30 CET

Undoubtedly, hard skills are very much still needed in a world filled with technology advances. Yet, despite the many skills we gain, somehow it feels like there’s always something else missing. We take for granted the creative process in our work, but creativity may help enhance not just our work, but also the quality of our lives.

18:30 – 19:30 CET

Last networking session for the day