Do I have to pay VAT?

For giving access to online video recordings, a 27% Hungarian VAT applies, since the company behind BP Translation Conferences is registered in Hungary.

VAT is applied if (a) you purchase as a private individual based anywhere*, or if (b) you purchase as a company based in Hungary.

No VAT is applied if (c) you purchase as a company based in a EU member state apart from Hungary, and you can provide a valid VAT number that’s recognized by EU’s VIES database.

If you trade as a solo entrepreneur or even a private individual, but you have a European VAT number (outside Hungary), you’re eligible for a VAT-free purchase.  Select ‘Company billing’, and fill in your details. The word ‘company’ will not be shown on your invoice, only your trading name and billing address you enter.

If you purchase as a company outside the EU, it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re eligible for a VAT-free purchase.  Technically speaking, your eligibility will not and cannot be checked on our side, but please make sure you enter a billing name that sounds like a company or at least add the necessary abbreviations after your name to denote you’re an enterpreneur and thus eligible for VAT-free purchase.

If you’re eligible for VAT-free payment, the VAT amount will be deducted in the next step, on the Checkout page, after you enter your billing details.

IMPORTANT:  Check the amount calculated BEFORE placing the order. If you’re eligible to VAT-free payment, make sure you select company billing.  If you pay with your card, your payment is final, and it’s not easy to reverse the transaction if you later realize you were eligible to VAT-free payment but you forgot to tick company billing.

If you selected bank transfer or Wise, and you haven’t actually paid yet, simply ignore the existing order and place a new one with the correct details.


On the Cart page you’ll see the total amount includes VAT in all cases.  If you’re eligible for a VAT-free purchase, the net amount will be displayed on the subsequent Checkout page.


If you purchase as a company inside the European Union, enter your VAT number together with the country prefix, without spaces (e.g. DE12345678).  This will be checked against EU’s VIES database, which, in turns, checks national tax number databases.

If your VAT number is returned is invalid, please check if you entered it correctly.


If an error message says ‘Problem communicating with server’, this may mean the the EU’s VIES database has problems connecting to your country’s database of valid VAT numbers.  This happens sometimes.  Please try it again.

'We pay the VAT'

We offer a special limited discount that will eliminate the VAT amount payable on top of your purchase.

Apply the coupon code ‘videovat‘ for a discount of 21.26%.  When the 27% VAT is added to the net amount, the total payable amount will be the original net amount.  (1 x 0.7874 x 1.27 = 1).

This discount is valid only for the first 100 purchases, or until 31 July 2024 at the latest.

Issues / Manual invoicing

If you experience any technical issues, E.g. you think your amount is not calculated correctly, please drop us a line: info at bpconf dot com

If you think you’ll need manual invoicing, please mention the items you wish to purchase, your full billing details, including any VAT number.

Back to shopping

Remove item Thumbnail image Product Price Quantity Subtotal
× BP Translation Conference :: Video Library BP Video Library: 1-year access  70.00 

Cart totals

Subtotal 70.00 
Direct Bank Transfer -0.89 
VAT 18.66 
Total 87.77