Oliver Lawrence

BP18 Translation Conference speaker OLiver Lawrence

Oliver Lawrence is a chartered something-or-other with a pile of letters after his name, but he won’t bore you with the details. He mostly translates Italian marketing copy and content, and even pens a bit himself when the muse is willing. He believes that translators should talk about, ooh, you know, radical stuff like language and how to actually translate and write better and that we should get together to do slams and collaborate and generally share our expertise to help raise the collective bar.
We could even start now.

This is my translation process; tell me yours

BP18 Translation Conference Oliver Lawrence This is my translation process, tell me yours

Ever wondered how other translators work? Fancy a fly-on-the-wall view of a colleague’s working process? Then step this way.
This session details how I produce a translation, the steps in my workflow, and why I do what I do and in what order.
I mention how I used to operate at the start of my career and how things have changed; I discuss techniques that I have tried and rejected because they didn’t seem to work for me; and I mention a few ideas for how I plan to extend and enhance my working process in the future. Several software tools earn honourable mentions along the way.
This presentation is intended as a case study to stimulate discussion and not as an unimprovable model of perfect practice. Obvs. Come prepared to contribute, to comment on how you operate, what you do differently and why, and we can all pick up some tips and learn from each other.
That’s the plan, anyway. Warning: I may occasionally lurch off-topic in the belief that the byway can be more interesting than the highway.


This session is scheduled for Friday, 20 April 2018.