Nigel Saych

BP18 Translation Conference speaker Nigel Saych

Veteran conference presenter Nigel Saych is handing over the reins of his business to his colleagues and contemplating the past – and the future. Being in charge of a successful translation company in the Netherlands for the past 15 years has taught him many things. One of these is the way other linguists see themselves. Nigel has enough friends in the business, he can afford to lose a few. But that will only happen if people take themselves too seriously…

Take your work seriously but don’t be your own worst enemy

BP18 Translation Conference Nigel Saych Take your work seriously but don't be your worst enemy

My session will highlight some of the ways linguists make excuses for themselves. But I am a translator not a psychologist, so I won’t have you leaving the room in tears or heading straight for the bar. You won’t get a checklist of things to do, but you should take with you a whole load of questions to ask yourself. Many translators have an almost sadomasochistic attitude towards the profession, and towards themselves.

Are you brave enough to explore an easier option without letting your standards slip? As with all my previous presentations there will be a serious side to my light-hearted approach.

This session is scheduled for Friday, 20 April 2018.