Nicole König: Dream clients: Find’em, make’em, keep’em

Dream clients: Find’em, make’em, keep’em

Finding clients is just the first step on the road to a blissful existence as a language entrepreneur. There are many courses on how to find good clients. The (translation) world is full of clients! But how do I reach those who are my best fit? How do I make them appreciate my services and how do I make them come back again and again? I want to work with participants on how to turn good clients into dream clients: loyal, generous and vocal (when it comes to referring you). We’ll touch on topics like communication, templates, project management, going that extra mile, post-project experience, what to do and what never to do, how to ask for testimonials, and how to keep yourself front-of-mind.

BP17 Translation Conference Nicole König dream clients session card

Nicole König

As The Vegan Translator and a professional wordsmith, I provide copywriting, transcreation and translation. In a former life, I left my mark in import-export trading, experiencing first hand the rush and the rat-race side of things. Today, I enjoy the free in freelancing all the more. My dream clients are entrepreneurs, and my dream projects touch on aviation, branding and company profiling. What I love about our profession: daily opportunity to catalyst clients’ success, while at the same time promoting our own brand and standing. What I love about my peers: the natural order of old bees fostering newer bees, who in turn add fresh ideas, tools, and knowledge to the equation. I’m big on karma and giving back, or rather, giving forward. With Avocadette, I have established an online magazine for linguists, currently sporting writings in seven languages. Since late/end of October 2016, I head the DVÜD as their president, an incredible honor and one more opportunity to give back to the community.

Practical details

This 50-minute session is scheduled for Saturday, 6 May, 2017.  You can attend this session by purchasing a 2-day pass to BP17, covering both Friday and Saturday.