Winter Translation Forum ’23
Multilingual online event by BP Translation Conferences
3 days :: 10+ languages :: 60+ talks :: 1000s of new connections
Expecting over 500 attendees from 60+ countries
Countdown to WTF23
Last day to join
1 December 2023
50% discount
On this last day
Available until 29 February
Multilingual online event for translators
WTF23 is a multilingual training and networking event for translators, taking place online, over three days: 29 November (Wednesday), 30 November (Thursday), and 1 December (Friday).
Event format
This online event will consist of several 2-hour blocks, each in a different language or subject. For example, we may have a block in English on artificial intelligence between 12:00 and 14:00 CET, consisting of 3 or 4 sessions, followed by a networking break, followed by a 2-hour block in Polish, and so on. There will be several tracks running simultaneously. Sessions will likely take place between 12 noon and 8 pm CET (i.e. 6 am to 2 pm EST) each day.
How can you help?
If you think you can bring together at least 3 speakers and 20 attendees for a 2-hour block in your language, drop us a line.
If you’d like to volunteer as a host of a networking break, or you can spread the word to a large number of potential attendees, drop us a line.
A wide variety of subjects
We will have sessions on the business and practical aspects of translation, but other areas are also welcome: technology, (socio)linguistics, work-life balance, literary translation, MT/AI, specific specializations, or even quizzes.
Approved sessions will be published from mid-October.
Apply as a speaker
If you have something relevant to say to fellow translators, please apply as a speaker below by 2 October 2023. The form is in English, but you can fill in the form in the language you wish to hold your presentation. Ideally, we will group approved proposals into 2-hour blocks.
Speakers will receive credit that they can use for purchasing any future event at BPconf.com. The amount of credit varies between 50€ and 150€, depending on the number of attendees at your session and the rating you receive.
A single event space
No need to switch between Zoom tracks
Select the sessions you wish to attend
New, intuitive event interface
Multingual content
Several language-specific mini events
Wide range of subjects
Aiming at 60+ countries
Enhanced networking
Content-rich attendee profiles
Chat in the lobby and in the sessions
Group and 1:1 video meetings
Translators unite
Excellent opportunity to learn and network
for seasoned colleagues
and new translators alike
WTF23 programme
Download the timeline in pdf below
F. A. Q.
Where did the idea come from?
Back in 2020, when we all lived in a worldwide lockdown, event organizers were forced to hold online events. In fact, BP20 in April 2020 was the first translation conference that was moved to an online platform, and that in a matter of just a few weeks.
Seeing an opportunity, we experimented with a new event format a few months later, celebrating St Jerome’s day with a 30-hour marathon. This massive online event consisted of several language-specific 2-hour blocks, sometimes with several blocks running simultaneously.
There were short talks and presentations, followed by discussions in about 10 languages, covering all time zones.
In 2022, we held our first ‘Winter* Translation Forum’ in the first days of December with hundreds of participants, with sessions in 10 different languages.
Yes, the organizer is aware of what ‘WTF’ commonly stands for. But we, as translators, know all too well that the meaning depends on context.
Btw, WTF will take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 🙂
*If you come from the southern hemisphere, or from the tropics, let’s just say this is a ‘Warm Translation Forum’, or a ‘Weather-neutral Translation Forum’ 🙂
What is the event format?
Winter Translation Forum will consist of several 2-hour blocks spread over 3 days (29 and 30 November, and 1 December).
Each 2-hour block will take place in a particular language and/or a particular subject, and several blocks may be running simultaneously. So at any one time, we may have a block on AI in German, a general block in Romanian, and a block on transcreation in Spanish.
Each 2-hour block will consist of several sessions. By default, these sessions will last for 30 minutes, but we may also have 60-minute and 90-minute sessions. In some cases, a 2-hour block will consisst of three 40-minute sessions.
There may be 2 to 4 such 2-hour blocks running simultaneously, and you’ll be able to jump back and forth between any of them, without leaving the event platform.
We’ll have 60-minute networking breaks between such blocks throughout the day. These may be language-specific or subject-specific, following a 2-hour block immediately before them. Or, networking breaks may have a special theme (e.g. literary translation in French, payment practices in English, a quiz in Polish, etc.)
The number of blocks and simultaneous tracks depends on the number and subject area of the talks. A more or less final schedule will be available by mid-November.
If you’d like to host a networking session, apply through the form above.
What subjects will be covered?
At Winter Translation Forum, any translation-related presentations are welcome, not just about Business and Practice.
Are you an expert in a unique niche? Have you translated an interesting book? Do you have an inkling for linguistics? Would you like to share your expertise with an international audience? Have you always wanted to try yourself as a conference speaker?
Apply now, until 2 October 2023, using the form above.
There’s no restriction as to what subjects will be included. We’ll try to group similar talks into the same 2-hour blocks.
Approved sessions will be published from mid-October, and a preliminary schedule will be available from early November.
Certificates of attendance
Each attendee will receive a certificate of attendance in pdf format that you’ll be able to use for CPD purposes. Certificates will be issued in English.
Will you have a track in my language?
In principle, any language can be represented if we receive proposals for at least 3 sessions.
The conference will spread over 3 days, probably running for 12 hours per day. Each day will be made up of several blocks of 2 hours each, with each block consisting of 2 to 4 talks.
So if you’d like to have a mini event (a 2-hu block) in your language, and chat away with other translators who speak that language, convince your colleagues to submit enough proposals.
If you can reach out to a large number of translators in your country (e.g. you run a translators’ association, have a large number of followers on social media, or run a training programme for future colleagues), fill in the form above.
Recordings will be available shortly after each session, and will remain available until 29 February.
Is it free to attend?
Attendance at Winter Translation Forum will be available at a very reasonable price, but we cannot offer it for free.
We have to cover operational costs, platform licences, and compensation for speakers will also be covered from ticket revenues.
The event is organized by BP Translation Conferences, which is a brand name for a company registered in Hungary.
This means a 27% VAT rate is applicable in the following cases:
- You purchase your ticket as an individual, no matter where you are based
- You purchase your ticket as a company registered in Hungary
If you purchase your ticket as a VAT-registered company in any other EU member state, you’ll need to provide your VAT number on the Checkout page. Please note on the Cart page the total amount still includes the VAT — the net amount will appear on the subsequent Checkout page, after you entered your valid VAT number.
What if your VAT number is not accepted? This can happen for one of two reasons: (1) Either EU’s VIES database or your national database of VAT numbers is down — this does happen occasionally. Please try again in a minute. (2) You are currently based outside the country where your business is registered. We use a geolocation plugin to show the relevant prices for each country. One side effect is that your VAT number must match the country that’s guessed based on your IP address. In this case please send us an email with your invoicing details, and a pro forma invoice will be issued for you (or use a VPN to set your own country as your location).
If you purchase your ticket as a company outside the EU, make sure you’re eligible for VAT-free purchase according to the taxation rules of your own country. As far as the shopping process is concerned, simply tick off the box that says ‘Company billing’, and VAT will not be charged. Please do enter a customer name that sounds like a company or use the necessary abbreviation to denote you’re an entrepreneur eligible for VAT-free purchase.
How do I register for the event?
Please buy a ticket here on this website. You’ll receive your invoice as soon as your payment arrives.
Currently (until 31 August), an early registration ticket is availe for 50€, and for this you’ll also receive a 1-year access to BP Video Library, a collection of 200+ conference videos.
You may also combine your WTF23 ticket with tickets to BP24 Translation Conference. Special pricing is valid until 31 August.
You’ll receive an invitation to join the event space as soon as it’s published, around mid-November. You’ll reveive a couple of reminders a few days before the event.
Technical requirements
The event will take place on Zoom Events, an event platform provided by Zoom. You’ll need to log in to your Zoom account to access the event.
Make sure you have a Zoom account associated with the email you use for purchasing your ticket.
In case you currently use one email for Zoom and another for buying your ticket, please create a Zoom account for the email that you use for buying your ticket.
The event lobby will be available from about 10 November, and you’ll receive furhter information then.
WTF22 tickets are priced at a deliberately low rate.
Tickets are sold in three different periods: Early Bird, Regular, and Late.
Tickets at Early Bird rates cost 23€, and this is valid for the first 300 tickets or until 7 November at the latest.
Regular rates (33€) apply as soon as the Early Bird period is over and last until 30 November 2022. Anything after this is the Late period, when tickets will be sold at 53€.
The amount of the Early Bird ticket (i.e. 23€) counts towards your ticket to BP23 Translation Conference (for either in-person or remote attendance). For example, if you buy your WTF22 ticket at the Regular rate (33€), you’ll still get a 23€ discount off your BP23 ticket. Registration for BP23 opens in January 2023.
Prices are lower in some countries.
All pricecs are net, a 27% VAT applies if necessary. (More on this in a separate FAQ item.)
Why should I apply as a speaker?
If you clicked on this FAQ item, you’re probably already toying with the idea of becoming a speaker at this unique event.
Winter Translation Forum welcomes seasoned and newbie presenters alike. If you have spoken at translators’ conferences and other training events before, you are familiar with the thrill of sharing your expertise with an eager audience of like-minded colleagues.
Or, if you have not spoken before at a similar event, this could be a good platform as any to come forward and get a foothold as a speaker.
If you have something interesting to say about any aspect of translation or interpreting, do apply as a speaker.
The unique thing about WTF23 is that it will consist of blocks in several different languages — so you may even want to talk about the same subject both in English and your own language.
We’ll provide hints and tips on how to prepare for your talk, how to stucture your presentation, ideas on your actual slides, and even Zoom meetings to help you along the way.
How do I apply as a speaker?
Very simple. Please complete the form above: indicate the language, the proposed title of your talk, and provide a brief abstract (do these in the language you wish to present in). Feel free to submit up to 3 proposals.
Application deadline is 11 October 2023.
The selection process will start shortly afterwards, and may involve requesting some additional details from you.
Approved speakers will need to provide a final version of the title and the abstract, as well as submit a short bio.
What do I get as a speaker?
You’ll also get to attend the online version of BP24 Translation Conference for free.
You’ll be able to list your speaker status on your LinkedIn and other social media profiles.
If you’re a seasoned speaker, you may mention your online course, book, or other assets that the audience may find relevant — they may be your next customers.
If you’re a newcomer, you’ll gain valuable experience during the preparation and the delivery of your talk.
You’ll also get to speak to a truly international audience, and after your talk you’ll have a chance to get to know them a little during the open discussion that will follow each presentation.
Feel free to advertise your own course / podcast / website or other services during your session.
Sponsors / Exhibitors / Partners
What are the benefits for sponsors?
Sponsors will reach a worldwide audience of professional translators who are keen to learn and invest in their own freelancer careers.
We’ll use a new platform, Zoom Events, which will give sponsors a unique and efficient way to deliver their talking points to conference attendees.
Depending on your sponsorship level, you can present your services during one of the networking breaks, or even deliver a talk or product presentation in one of 2-hour blocks.
If you’re a freelancer and you’d like to a better exposure before and during the event, you may want to be a ‘supporter’.
At a higher level of sponsorship we can display your logo on this page, together with a link pointing to your website. We can also send out information about your company or service to all registered attendees.
Sponsorship levels
The event platform allows for 3 sponsorship levels: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. You can find the detailed description of each sponsorhip level under the Registration secion above, by clicking on the plus icons.
Since this is a new platform and a new event format, all sponsorship packages are offered at a very low initial rate: 290€ / 490€ / 790€ until 3 November, after which the rates increase to 490€ / 790€ / 1190€, respectively.
WTF23 sponsors also get a discount off their sponsorship packages of BP23 Translation Conference.
Sponsorshop packages will be available from late August. Alternatively, you may contact us any time by email.
Once the event platform will be set up (early November), you’ll receive further information on what assets are necessary to create your sponsor profile (logo, image, video, copy, links, etc.).
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about our sponsorship offers.
We at BP Translation Conferences are open to form partnerships with national and other traslators’ associations, educational institutions, interest groups, and other similar bodies.
For example, if you mention our event in your newsletter going out to your members, in exchange we’ll give you some free tickets that you can raffle out among your members.
We’re open to other type of arrangements as well.
As a first step, please fill in the form above.