Information below may still change, but this is the most likely timetable as of 22 November
F :: Friday :: 9 December
11:00 – 11:30 CET
An unexpected success story of how a Czech and a Slovak freelancer wanted to set up a boutique translation agency, but ended up selling out their own CPD events for Czech and Slovak translators instead. Focused on the gaps many linguists across the Eastern European region may have in common and how to overcome them from the agency perspective.
11:30 – 12:00 CET
This presentation is about the good, the bad and the ugly of outsourcing transcreation into several languages and managing big localization projects after I decided to grow my one-woman-business. I will share the 5 most important lessons I learned while finding and retaining highly specialized translators, including how to overcome perfectionism and manage trust issues when working with new linguists.
12:00 – 13:00 CET
12:00 – 12:30 CET
12:30 – 13:00 CET
How do we build a character and convey their passions and pain points? How do we give personality to a landscape? In this short interactive session, we will try to remember how to write for fun.
Creative writing teaches us to rekindle our imagination.
Today, you are not allowed to hit “Delete” on your keyboard… Are you game? Let’s see where that takes us!
I am a lawyer-linguist and translate Cour de Cassation decisions from French to English for publication in English law reports. I would like to share some anecdotes regarding a series of recent cases which included obscene and vulgar language, the perils of translating this into English and the intricacies around pitching the vulgarity at an equivalent level in English to the original French. This involved some quite unusual research!
What makes Israeli legal texts tricky to translate?
Legal translators into French/English adopt different strategies to translate Hebrew legalese for the courtroom.
This presentation will discuss how and when we localize, we adapt, we omit, we explain our choices, as well as the social, financial, and legal consequences for all parties.
13:00 – 14:00 CET
Networking break
14:00 – 14:30 CET
What are the do’s and don’ts of video remote interpretation? How do you prepare? And what do you do when things go wrong? I’ve worked as a video interpreter for several years now, and in this presentation I’ll give you the tips and tricks you need to accept a video remote interpretation assignment with confidence.
14:30 – 15:00 CET
Vamos dar uma olhada em alguns programas muito utilizados na linguística de corpus, tais como o TextStat, o AntConc e o Orange, e vamos ver como eles podem nos ajudar a melhorar nossas traduções. Também vamos passar brevemente sobre o funcionamento de expressões regulares e então vamos ver alguns dos principais corpora do inglês e do português brasileiro e mostrar como eles podem ajudar tradutores.
Conocer cómo funciona la respiración nos permite usarla a nuestro favor como herramienta para controlar el estrés, mejorar el rendimiento intelectual y laboral, optimizar la concentración y dormir plácidamente, lo que se ve reflejado en el bienestar cotidiano.
Taller experiencial para intérpretes y traductor@s, con práctica de ejercicios respiratorios.
A tradução de culinária, aparentemente tão divertida e óbvia, esconde algumas armadilhas e desafios a cada passo. Quem nunca traduziu em casa alguma receita para experimentar um novo prato? Mas quando se trata de tradução profissional o nível de detalhes e de pesquisa pode tomar muito mais tempo do que pensamos.
15:00 – 16:00 CET
In this workshop, we will be discussing these linguistic and technical challenges paving the way to a more fluid entry to the blockchain localization space.
Este taller va dirigido a traductores, correctores, redactores e intérpretes principalmente y también puede ampliarse a estudiantes de últimos cursos de traducción. El objetivo del taller es aclarar conceptos y practicar con un par de dinámicas de estrategia de marca personal que te ayudarán a concretar y formular en la sesión tu valor diferencial para que salgas del taller con un borrador de tu propuesta única de valor y muchas ideas para comunicarla de forma estratégica.
16:00 – 17:00 CET
Networking break
17:00 – 17:30 CET
Office or chair yoga can improve your flexibility, concentration, and strength, while boosting your mood, and reducing stress and joint strain. Join me in this all-level yoga break to stretch it out, connect with your breath, increase your energy, and focus your mind. No yoga mat or stretchy pants are required.
Hoe ontwikkelen we een taal waarin iedereen zich thuis voelt? Voorbeelden en cases van taalinclusie: leeftijd, opleiding, inkomen, gender, cultuur, mensen met een beperking. Welke keuzes maken we en waarom? Hoe vinden we onze weg in een kluwen van adviezen en meningen?
17:30 – 18:00 CET
Csaba closes the first Winter Translation Forum