Konstantin Kisin

BP18 Translation Conference Master of Ceremonies Konstantin Kisin

Konstantin Kisin is a translator, trainer, presenter and stand-up comedian. Well-known in the language service industry for his insightful and inspiring talks and workshops on business skills, productivity and work-life balance, he is more recently an award-winning comedian. Combining a playful approach with intelligence and creative, out-of-the-box thinking, he is the ideal MC for BP18!

Master of Ceremonies

BP18 Translation Conference Master of Ceremonies Konstantin Kisin

Konstantin will keep the show going with his customary skill and humour. Not to be missed!

You can ask questions during the talks using a mobile app, and Konstantin will use these questions to interview the speakers in his witty style.


Konstantin will be the host at the first day of the conference on Thursday, 19 April 2018.