Conference sessions
Let’s meet again in person!
With two online conferences behind us, by next spring it will be high time to meet in person again. The majority of the usual and other potential attendees are already vaccinated, so hopefully we’ll be able to hold the conference as in the ‘good old days’.
BP22: A hybrid event
Some people may prefer to join us from their homes. For this reason BP22 will be held as a hybrid event. Remote attendees will be able to follow the sessions and interact with the speakers in real time. We’ll also do our best to involve them in networking as much as possible.
BP = Business & Practice
If you are new to BP Translation Conferences, you may wonder what BP stands for. Well, Business & Practice… for Badass Polyglots. In short, our events boost your confidence as a freelance translator and equip you with practical skills to thrive on the market.
Lisbon: An ideal location
Portugal’s vibrant capital city is a great place to visit. Now Portugal is almost fully vaccinated, so there’s only a limited chance of any restrictions in May.
Lisbon can be reached with direct flights from well over a 100 cities.

BP22 Schedule
Saturday/Sunday, 7/8 May 2022
With many attendees likely to arrive over the weekend, this is will be an ideal time to explore Lisbon. We may have guided walking tours, or you can form groups of your own using our conference app.
We may even form a group to explore some fado bars in the evening in the famous Alfama district.
More detailed tips will be available later.
Monday, 9 May 2022
We’ll have four workshops on this pre-conference day, each of them giving you three hours of in-depth training, with a half-hour coffee break. You’ll also receive certificates of attendance.
The workshops are not covered by the conference ticket, you’ll need to buy these extra.
You can attend any of workshops even without attending the conference itself.
Sarah’s and Carlos’ workshops will take place at the same time, between 9:30 and 13:00, while Herman’s and Jerzy’s workshops will take place in the afternoon, between 14:00 and 17:30.
UPDATE: It looks like workshops will be offered as hybrid events after all. Remote tickets will be available soon. This also means recordings will be available.

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If you’ve ever wanted more control over your business and the clients you work with, come and discover how to carry out a targeted and effective marketing campaign.
Often, our dream clients don’t know we exist or where to find us, which means it’s down to us to introduce ourselves and connect the dots between what they need and our services.
In this practical workshop we’ll:
• Identify your potential clients and their key issues so that you can present a relevant way to help
• Decide on your irresistible offer and ensure your first impression is memorable, well received, and sets you up for success
• Explore how to handle different responses confidently, saving you time and positioning you as the expert your contacts need even if there’s no immediate project
• Plan how to follow up effectively so you become the person your potential clients think of when they need translation or interpreting
• Discuss ways to combine this outbound direct marketing with any marketing you are doing currently and how you can use these concepts in a variety of different areas.
Let’s wow your ideal clients into working with you!
Sarah translates chemical texts from German into her native English (yes, her surname may be Silva but she’s not cracked Portuguese yet, sorry Lisbon!). She’s in her element talking food chemistry, paints, coatings, and creative marketing for translators and interpreters.
Having run several successful direct marketing campaigns and helped many other translators and interpreters to do the same, Sarah has lots of examples to share for inspiration. And crucially, to show you what has worked and what didn’t so you can avoid making the same mistakes. She can’t wait to market with you.

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Quality is (nearly) everything in the eyes of your clients.
Yet our processes are prone to error.
Over time, we design an increasingly efficient strategy to prevent the most common errors and mistakes: typos, missing files, overwritten versions, inconsistencies… The list goes on.
However, severe mistakes that may compromise our work and our professional image are always lurking around the corner.
In my practical workshop, I will share a solid tool set and strategy towards QA built over decades working on translation projects to ensure that your deliveries are consistently flawless.
Carlos has recently hit the milestone of 20 years providing language services and training for companies and individuals all over the world.
He has lived and developed his skills in 10 different countries, proudly working as a Technology Trainer, Localization Project Manager, School Teacher and Translator. His natural inclination towards learning and gathering new experiences has driven his career mixing academic and business life.
Over the years, he has worked with dozens of international clients such as Amazon, Microsoft, 3M, Cisco, United Technologies, SDL/RWS and Nokia, to name a few. Along with his lecturing and teaching gigs at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), ISTRAD and Trágora, he is a regular at translation industry events and loves sharing knowledge with fellow professionals to build a better, more human, yet tech-oriented industry led by happy people.
He currently lives in the beautiful city of Bologna.

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Let’s face it, if you are mainly working for LSP’s but really want to earn a lot more money, you need to work less for translation agencies and (much) more with direct clients.
That, however, requires a lot of hard work (with results logically only attained after more than a year) and it may be too difficult for you to have an overview of all the things you need to know and to do, and all that you need to watch out for.
This workshop will deal with an underexposed topic in our industry: personal leadership and mindset.
Add to this the best ways to structure your business and to do marketing/networking, and you’ll have the ideal cocktail to go ahead with your business.
And we’ll make it personal. There will not only be theory but also practice. We’ll look at your specific own situation and show how the theory can be implemented practically in your personal situation.
After working as a project manager in Belgian translation agencies for 15 years, Herman established himself as a freelance translator in 2011.
Thanks to intensive business courses he developed entrepreneurial skills allowing him to shift from working solely for LSP’s to working as a translation and copywriting partner for direct clients, thus doubling his income.
Herman also has a Dutch language blog (taalfluisteraar.be) and has published several best-selling non-fictional books and calendars in Dutch.
In his free time he enjoys badminton, running, and a bit of gazing at the moon and planets with his telescope.
website: www.altaverba.be
No LinkedIn connection requests from translators please.

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REGEX – is it a kind of magic? Why using regular expressions may help translators in their profession
Regular expressions appear to be some kind of magic. When you see them for the first time, all seems to be completely abstract and hard to understand. But as with everything else, you can learn these. This is even not that hard. Knowing just a few basic features makes your work really easier and faster.
Some examples:
When translating a text from German into English, you need to change the way numbers are written. Or you have a text translated into British English and you want to change the dates there to American notation. Both operation can quite easily be done using regular expressions.
Another example is quality checking of your text after having translated it. Using regular expressions you can check many items, like the existence of a non-breaking space between numbers and measurement units and many others.
Another field, where regular expressions are used, is tagging of content. This is not only necessary when dealing with XML formats, but quite often you find tags in text when translating Excel files for example.
Born in Kraków, where Jerzy studied mechanical engineering until moving to Germany in 1986. Living in Dortmund from then he finished his engineering studies in Germany. In 1990 Jerzy started to translate, to begin his specialization in technical translation in 1991. Since 1992 sworn translator and interpreter for German and Polish.
Since many years Jerzy uses CAT tools. Self-taught user, who in due course became a trainer for SDL software. Beside this he runs a webinar series called “Ask Dr. Studio” for BDÜ (the German federal association of translators and interpreters). Since April 2018 Jerzy is vice president of BDÜ.
Additionally, Jerzy is also auditor for LICS (Language Industry Certification System, awarding ISO 17100 certificates). Since 2010 together with his wife he owns an ISO 17100 certificate.
Jerzy also helps people with their problems in use of SDL Trados Studio. He works together with Loctimize as a supporter.
14:00 ATA certification exam
There will be an ATA certification exam on the pre-conference day.
Location: Hotel Ramada Wyndham (the conference hotel). Address: Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira 9, 1900-221 Lisbon, right by metro stop Olaias.
The exact room will be published later, and it will also be signposted in the hotel.
IMPORTANT: You need to be ATA member to apply for the exam. Apply for and pay for the exam directly on ATA’s website well in advance. You cannot show up at the exam venue without registering and paying first.
The exam will be computerized, so you’ll need to bring your own laptop. There will be sufficient extension cables.
Show up in the exam room half an hour in advance.
Welcome reception
As always, we’ll have a welcome reception on the eve of the conference itself (probably from 19:00). An informal event with no set agenda, just mingling with fellow translators from around the world.
We’ll meet at Zambeze, a Mozambican-Portuguese fusion restaurant and rooftop bar located between the castle and the lower town, with wonderful vistas over the Tejo river, and a perfect spot to watch the sunset.
It’s also easy to reach: it takes about 25 minutes by public transport (including a short walk), or a 15 minute ride by taxi.
The welcome reception is included in the ‘Lisbon Premium’ ticket, or you can buy a separate ticket for this.
This restaurant is wheelchair-accessible.
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Conference, day 1
This will be the first day of the actual conference, with sessions running in 3 parallel tracks from 9:00 until about 17:00.
We’ll start the day with a keynote speech (to be announced soon) in plenary session, then after the first cofee break, we’ll have three tracks for the rest of the day.
Both coffee breaks and the lunch break will be extra long to allow you to socialize. We may even have thematic discussions during these breaks (e.g. medical translators, legal translators, etc.)
The actual schedule will be determined about a month before the event.

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SEO Copywriting can be an excellent addition to your service offering as a translator or transcreator. In this presentation, we will discuss:
– what SEO Copywriting is
– what skill sets you need to succeed
– practical advice (first steps, how to find clients, pricing, deadlines, specialization, further training, tools, building a portfolio)
And we’re going to end the session with a QA round.
After this talk, you’ll have gained insights into SEO Copywriting and can assess if this service is something you want to offer in the future and how to enter this market segment.
Silvia’s love affair with the localization industry began by mere chance when she—unexpectantly—landed her first job at a translation agency in Tokyo 15 years ago.
Over time she transitioned from technical translations to transcreation, SEO, and copywriting. At the moment, her biggest passion is helping small and medium-sized companies with their German websites – optimizing their content for search engines to increase traffic and conversions.
She also supports the Women in Localization Netherlands chapter as their Social Media Manager and enjoys mentoring the next generation of female freelancers.
In her free time, she takes figure-skating lessons and dreams about her next snowboarding trip.
Let’s connect on LinkedIn

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SEO translation and related linguistic services are in high demand and this trend shows no sign of slowing down. To compete, language service providers need to get in on the act.
This webinar will cover the basics of SEO and show you how you can:
- Offer added value by bringing SEO insights into localisation projects;
- Diversify your offer with SEO-related language services;
- Understand how SEO skills can boost your own website and marketing strategy
Teresa is a Portuguese translator who specialises in creative translation, Digital Marketing and SEO Content Writing. Since launching her business in 2015, SEO has been one of her main interests, both as a way to add value to her translation clients and boost her own marketing strategy.
After launching her self-paced online course ‘Become an SEO-Savvy Translator’ she has successfully trained hundreds of fellow linguists in the topic of SEO Translation.

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We have heard a lot about how to get clients, but how can we nurture our current clients so that they become our referrals and biggest advocates? Our current clients are the low-hanging fruit for securing a good income, and it is much easier to get more work from your current clients than it is to get new clients.
In this session, you will get tips on how to nurture your relationships with your best current clients, how to politely and professionally ask for and get testimonials, plus how to train your client to refer you and, most importantly, how to automate it.
Tess Whitty is a certified English into Swedish translator, specializing in digital marketing and localization for SaaS companies, consumer products and e-commerce. With a degree in International Marketing and background as marketing manager, she also shares her marketing knowledge and translator experience with other freelance translators as a speaker, trainer, consultant, author, and podcaster. She is involved in several translator associations as a language chair, social media manager, and trainer.
In 2020, she was ranked among the top 50 world’s industry localization influencers by Nimdzi.

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I will be sharing tips and tricks on how to build sustainable client base, or rebuild it in the changing circumstances. This presentation will also cover how to make sure cooperation between translators and customers is as smooth as possible and as long term as beneficial for all parties. We will also cover what the drivers are for some of the customers’ behaviors and how to make sure we address them well.
Iwona has been in the localization industry for over 13 years and is currently holding position of Global Production Director at Summa Linguae Technologies. She currently manages project management, quality management, vendor management, multimedia and technology teams across the globe. Iwona graduated in sociology and company management then started her career path in recruitment, supply chain and vendor management. She spent over six years at Argos Multilingual and later at RWS Moravia building dedicated supplier teams for up to 196 languages. With a strong customer focus, she now makes sure unique and innovative solutions are developed hand in hand with the customers.

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Create a portfolio you can be proud of! In this session we’ll explore what to include, where and how to share it, how to make it visually attractive so that it reflects your brand and values, how to use it for content generation and improving your website SEO. Creating or updating your portfolio is also a great way to take stock of what you’ve achieved in your career so far and to reflect on where you’d like to go next.
Yulia Tsybysheva is a Russian marketing translator based in Bristol, UK. She works with clients in the fashion, beauty, jewellery, travel and SaaS industries and specializes in transcreation, localization and LQA. She has been involved in localization of apps for pregnancy, parenting, nutrition and women’s health.
Since 2021 Yulia has also been working as a Language Lead at Flo app.

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Going from solo to CEO – freelance translator to agency owner – isn’t easy. From recruiting other translators, selling big contracts, leadership, managing teams: responsibilities increase tenfold, you’re navigating unchartered waters and sometimes have no idea what you’re doing. It can be terrifying and overwhelming.
But you CAN do it: You can be successful while staying ethical, treat your peers with respect, sign big contracts with exciting clients and grow your botique agency into something you had never ever dreamt of.
Join me on this talk and on my journey. I’ll share the challenges and problems I’ve faced and you’re likely to run into; how you can overcome them; what you should and shouldn’t do; and some successes along the way. Hopefully, they’ll be yours too.
Martina Russo is an Italian marketing translator running two translation brands: Moving Words, which specializes in SEO content translation and product localization for SaaS companies, and The Action Sports Translator, which provides marketing translation to outdoor brands. Nominated localization influencer by Nimdzi 2020 & 2021, you might have seen her giving workshops and gesturing at international conferences blabbing about marketing for translators. She is also the owner of the Translator at Work sticker business.
When not working, you’ll most likely find her climbing a rock face or snowboarding down the other side. She often lives and travels in a tiny house on wheels with her partner and several rescue pets.

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Though I started as a freelance interpreter and a translator, with my own professional development came also a scope of work that I was no longer able to handle myself. Therefore, the need to delegate work was inevitable, and with it, the decision to open an agency.
My talk will therefore attempt to provide tips and advice on how to best strike a balance in between the two, allow yourself to keep working as an interpreter, but also, simultaneously delegate the surplus of work and run a successful agency, operating mostly in the non-EU market.
A court and conference interpreter for English language, Tina has been translating and interpreting ever since 2005. In 2011, pressed by one of her major clients, she became an entrepreneur and a business owner of the Spotter translation agency in Belgrade, literally overnight.
On the busiest of days, she manages operations, staff, projects, outsources and in some cases, she is even hands-on delivering services. With more than 20 years of experience, Tina has gained vast experience working for various national and international clients, but has also built a rich agency portfolio and a full-time team of four, gathered around the vision that delegation is the way to freedom.

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Imagine a large warehouse space *filled* with your dream clients, and you in the middle. How does that sound? Scary… but exciting, right?
Exhibiting at a trade fair in your ideal client’s industry is a bold move.
And yes, it can be daunting.
But you know what? You’ll probably be the only translation provider at that fair. And everyone is here to network.
Imagine the visibility you will get, the contacts you will make, the things you will learn.
It’s client outreach in the fast lane.
From furnishing your booth to planning your marketing campaign, from capturing leads efficiently to managing expectations + the pros and cons of exhibiting VS just attending, I’ll share with you the steps I took to turn this experience from terrifying and overwhelming to an invigorating and fun project.
Artlife Translations has been helping the art, culture and tourism industry attract, serve and delight their international visitors with first-class language services since 2013.
Luna, the founder, is a multipassionate Frenchie that loves to talk about all-things self-care, growth mindset, art, music and creative writing… But most of the time, she’s an English to French translator and conference interpreter also handling multilingual projects for her clients.

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A good RSI sale consists of two parts: Firstly, convincing the client of our offer, more specifically of the value they obtain by booking our services. This first part is closely intertwined with the second part: the run-up to the event and the event itself, of course. Now we must live up to the promise. For interpreters, this means making sure certain requirements are met for the event to run smoothly. Many clients have not learned the ins and outs of remote simultaneous interpreting and its challenges – and why should they? So, it is in our hand to help them understand what is needed for a successful virtual event.
If we are successful in meeting the client’s expectations in both phases, the client is ours, hopefully for more than one event.
Rafael Adam is a conference interpreter working with German, Spanish and English, founder and partner of ADAM & ORTIZ Conference Interpreters (est. 2014), based in Munich, Germany.
He has always kept an eye on new developments in the sector. His company was one of the first in Germany to actively respond to the pandemic and start running a professional interpreting studio. He is an advocate of close collaboration with clients and thorough consulting, as well as flexibility while maintaining professional standards.

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In this session, Jessie shares her experiences in preparing for the interpreting assignment. While some say remote interpreting is a double-edged sword, with appropriate preparation, its advantages can be greatly amplified. Other takeaways include the importance of visual feeds in remote interpreting and how to navigate through long and emotionally-charged speech segments. Jessie also shares some tips on how to get involved in interpreting for international sports events like the Olympics.
With a master’s degree in conference interpreting from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS) and being a court-certified interpreter and translator in the State of California, Jessie has been serving clients across the world from Los Angeles, California. Jessie also teaches the court interpreting program at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension Program.

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GDPR has been in force since 2018, but still many translators and interpreters experience difficulties in finding clear guidelines on how to apply the new data protection rules.
Therefore, FIT Europe and its partners initiated a project to prepare common European GDPR guidelines for the T&I sector. The first stage of the project was the Translating Europe Workshop “Towards common European GDPR guidelines for the translation and interpreting profession”. During the presentation we will present the conclusions of the experts’ report that was prepared as a result of the TEW and discuss some special points requiring the attention of translators and interpreters.
John O’Shea is Chairperson of FIT Europe for the 2021-2024 mandate and was a Board member of FIT Europe for the 2017-2021 mandate, and has been closely involved in the GDPR project since its inception. He has presented widely at various conferences about the importance of this topic for the translation and interpreting sector. Outside of association-related work he is a Greek-English legal translator with over 20 years of experience.
Gala dinner
We’ll have our gala dinner at Casa do Alentejo, a beautiful building that once housed the city’s first casino.
It’s also easy to reach: it takes about 20 minutes by public transport (including a short walk), or a 10-15 minute ride by taxi.
We’ll start with a welcome drink in the courtyard, then we’ll have the dinner itself in the main room upstairs.
The gala dinner is included in the ‘Lisbon Premium’ ticket, or you can buy a separate ticket for this.
Please note the restaurant is not barrier-free.
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Conference, day 2
The second day of the actual conference, starting a bit later (probably 9:30), as it’s always more difficult to wake up after a gala dinner.
We’ll start the day with three separate tracks, and we’ll have a coffee break in mid-morning, as well as a lunch break.
After lunch we’ll convene in a single plenary session to listen to short talks – but there may be a technical track in another room during this time.
We will close the official part of the conference with a farewell reception at the hotel. There will be no organized farewell dinner in town, but you’ll find some recommended places in the event app — feel free to form smaller groups.
More sessions will be added soon.

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In this session we will tackle the important topic of pricing strategies and negotiation skills. Here we will look at some pricing strategies, examine downward and upward price pressure in the T&I industry and gain an overview of the important topic of negotiation to try and evaluate best practices with a view to achieving more comfortable and more confident client negotiation in our freelance translation careers.
Jason Willis-Lee CL MCIL MITI graduated in physiology after training as a student doctor for over three years at Bristol Medical School including one year’s full hospital training. He put in a brief stint as a clinical research associate before switching into applied linguistics and earning a postgraduate diploma in translating and interpreting from the University of Bath. He now works full time in Madrid as a self-employed Med Pharm translator (clinical trials, medical reports and research articles) in the Spanish-English and French-English language pairs. He has previously given subject specific webinars for medical translators on the topics Blood Tests, ECG, Diabetes and Cancer. He organised the specialization conference thread at the Elia Together event held in Athens in February 2018. He is also cofounder of the collaborative networking translation project medico-legal translations.

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Freelancing means uncertainty: we have all heard that. It’s a pendulum between feeling like the richest person in the world and wondering whether you can afford dinner that night. But does it need to be that way? Could we figure out a way of paying ourselves a ‘salary’?
After all the insightful talks about how to make more money, let’s discuss how to best handle it once it hits our account.
This talk will offer the basic ideas of money management adapted for the freelance lifestyle and some insights on how to level up our money game.
Martina Abagnale is an English and Dutch into Italian translator based in Arnhem, the Netherlands. After starting her career as a project manager at a translation agency, she became a freelance translator in 2019. She specializes in finance, with a focus on investing. She hosts a podcast called “Parliamo di traduzione” with co-hosts Natalia Bertelli and Eleonora Cadelli.
You can follow her on Linkedin or Instagram (@picobellotranslations).

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PDF is undoubtedly the king of file formats for its versatility. There are thousands of online dictionaries and translation resources available in PDF format. However, making use of PDFs content for translators can be a complex and highly variable process, and fixing problems in a PDF document requires a high level of expertise that represents a significant investment in training and practice. Join Sameh Ragab in a journey of tips and tricks, exploring how to leverage your complex PDF resources into a CAT tool usable format, and learn how to effective use, manipulate and convert PDF content.
Sameh Ragab is an ISO 17100 Lead Auditor and Certified Translation Provider, CAT Tools and Terminology Management Expert, UN and World Bank Registered Translation Vendor, DTP specialist, and Certified Localizer. A renowned international speaker and trainer focusing on the technical side of translation, Sam has over 30 years of expertise in the translation and localization industry and sets the benchmarks for quality work, with a focus on Arabic and Middle Eastern translation, localization and DTP services. Moreover, Sam has an outstanding history in training translators and localizers to excel using latest Cat and Terminology Management tools. Sam has given workshops and conference talks in 14 countries and his hobbies include fishing, angling, snorkeling, scuba diving and swimming.

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This presentation is for all translators who feel they’d like to try posting their videos but are concerned about their abilities, the content or the technicalities. The presentation will tackle all those concerns. The truth is translators should start saying “yes” to the camera. Videos are great for showing your expertise and personality. Plus, the majority of consumers prefer videos to text marketing. I’ll share some tips on overcoming the psychological barrier and provide content ideas. Next, I’ll discuss the practical side of video recording: how to prepare, record and post-edit short videos that are perfect for social media.
Sylwia is an experienced English to Polish translator specializing in business and corporate communication. She loves to bridge cultural differences and linguistic nuances. There is nothing more rewarding for her than to see English- and Polish-speaking companies communicate and grow their businesses together.
A cat lover, in her free time she enjoys hiking and yoga.
You can find out more about her on her website or connect on LinkedIn

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Words and phrases used on a website influence the visibility of the website when people search (google) for something they are looking for. To increase the visibility of a website the right words need to be identified and then integrated into the website text. Keyword research thus is an essential part SEO (search engine optimisation), including SEO translation and SEO copywriting. In this session you will learn why multilingual keyword research in combination with translation is such as critical skill, the different situations in which keyword research is required, how to research for and select keywords, what tools can help you do so, and how to use the results of keyword research for yourself and your clients, whether your goal is to offer this as a new value-added service or to simply to increase the visibility of your own website.
Susanne, a native German based in Ireland since 1993, is an international business/internet consultant as well a translator with an educational background in translation (Staatlich geprüfte Übersetzerin, 1989) and Information Technology / Artificial Intelligence (BSc Hons 1992, MSc 1993 plus other diplomas in recent years).
After many years of working as a business/IT consultant in a multi-national, Susanne set up her own business Glocafy and now helps export-focused SME companies fully leverage the Internet to grow leads and sales in export markets across European markets, with special focus on her native German market. Drawing on her experience as an international consultant, her understanding of different business environments and cultures as well as her knowledge and experience in localisation/translation, IT and internet marketing, Susanne helps companies develop and implement business-driven strategies for international web presence, including planning and implementing website localisation, website translation, keyword research and international search engine optimisation (SEO) and international Google Ads campaigns.
In addition to her paid work, Susanne also served 7 years on the Executive Committee of the Irish Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association (ITIA) and is Vice Chair of the Irish Writers Centre.

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It’s hard to admit you need help when you do. It’s difficult and risky, at least in our mind, to invest in better tech, equipment, systems that help us work faster, or the people that take tasks off us, tasks that we can outsource, we are not good at doing or perhaps we shouldn’t be doing. But if you invest in the right people, this will only bring returns to you and your business. Learn how to take your business to the next level, create a supportive team, nurture relationships, let go of perfection and self-limiting believes and see your one-translator band transform into an orchestra.
Vasiliki is a translator, interpreter, transcreator, blogger, consultant and director of Greek to Me Translations Ltd. She works with English, Greek and French herself and has a team of trusted colleagues who can cover other languages. The offered language services serve mainly the legal, creative, and psychometrics industries.
Vasiliki is a Chartered Linguist, member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) and Panhellenic Association of Greek Translators (PEM). She is registered with the Greek Consulate in the United Kingdom as a certified translator and interpreter.
She holds a BA in English Language and Linguistics and Masters in Business Translation and Interpreting. She is a Steering Group Member of the CIOL Translating Division (CIOL TD) and CIOL Business, Professions and Government Division (CIOL BPG). She is an Associate Lecturer in Legal Translation at London Metropolitan University teaching Legal Translation, Translation for International Organisations, Linguistics, Translation Theory and Strategy. She is a public speaker and writer for industry magazines.
Her mission is to help organisations and individuals achieve their goals through the power of words. Through mentoring, Vasiliki helps aspiring or young translators to overcome self-limiting believes, build a business mindset and achieve their highest potential.
You can follow her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Marketing copy is the backbone of every business. Its job is to engage, connect, excite and persuade customers to take action.
Which puts marketing translators in the perfect position to help their clients compete on a global stage – and command the rates that go with it!
But to be the best, you have to understand a whole lot more than words.
(Because just like copywriters, translators don’t get paid to write, they get paid to think)
In this practical talk, you’ll discover:
– The 4 key pillars of effective copy
– The strategies behind persuasive messaging
– How to create engaging copy that your clients, and their customers, will love
+ My top tips on how to position yourself as a strategic asset, so you can become the most valuable translator in the room
Diane Wiredu is a translator-turned-copywriter and messaging strategist, and the founder of Lion Words.
She helps B2B companies clarify their message, attract more perfect-fit customers and get better results from their marketing.
With a focus on customer research and brand strategy, she blends the art of language with conversion-focused techniques to help her clients stand out from the crowd. And has over 10+ years’ experience whipping words into shape for global market leaders.
Diane regularly shares her knowledge on podcasts and virtual stages and has been featured on B2B Better, Wynter Games, Lead Gen Lift Off Summit and The Marketing Meetup.
When she’s not speaking, consulting or writing high-converting copy — you’ll probably find her with a pair of dumbbells or a glass of Merlot in her hands (fortunately not at the same time).

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Attention please: this session is about the P word. Procrastination. And we should definitely make a short detour to Distraction land. Oh, and we will also have a look at how our brains work. And, and… Wait where was I? Ah yes, procrastination and distraction. Let us try and focus on that for an hour, shall we? Embark on a journey that will lead you to understand why we oftentimes feel focus-poor, what steals our attention, and how we can get a better grip on our concentration.
Anne-Sophie De Clercq does not have as many lives as a cat, but she definitely intends to. A language lover, time-management enthusiast, and yoga buff, she turned her passions into a three-headed job: translator/work-life balance speaker/yoga teacher. Making space in her schedule only for what is essential, she is also an ambassador for LSP.expert, an aspiring ukulele player, and a nap worshipper. She now shares her best tips and tricks to help her colleagues thrive on their own terms.

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Have you ever had to complete a form but didn’t know what to type in a field or were reluctant to give your personal or credit card details? That’s because the microcopy wasn’t doing its job.
Microcopy refers to website and app copy tidbits that tell users what to do, address their concerns, provide context, and help tell a story. Examples include buttons, calls to action, 404 pages, success and error messages.
But why should we care about microcopy as transcreators, copywriters, and marketing translators? After all, those little words and phrases can’t be that difficult to write or translate, can they? Well, yes, they can!
Those little words and phrases are an opportunity to let a brand’s personality shine through and can make people decide to take the action the brand wants them to take. They guide and reassure users, but they can also confuse or even mislead them if they’re not effective. In other words, microcopy can make or break the digital experience. In addition, it also has a huge impact on conversion rates. That’s why it’s essential to get microcopy right and why simple translation isn’t enough most of the time.
This talk will go through examples of good, human-centred microcopy and the mistakes to avoid if we want to encourage action, build trust, and foster relationships.
Elina I. Nocera is a bilingual Italian-English marketing translator with 14 years of experience, including ten as a freelancer. She has always been passionate about languages and writing and has recently branched out to transcreation and web copywriting.
Elina helps brands connect with their international audience through compelling copy and a natural tone of voice.
She is a member of IAPTI, MET, and the Italian Copywriters’ Association (A.I. Copy).
Elina is based in Umbria, Central Italy. When she’s not glued to a computer screen, she’s probably travelling, reading, enjoying a HIIT or body combat workout, or watching tennis or the latest season of her favourite TV shows.

More about the subject / speaker
The aim of any marketing text is to reach as many potential buyers as possible. However, as consumer populations continue to diversify across the world, it’s crucial that these texts speak to an ever wider range of backgrounds and experiences.
This short session provides key tips and tricks for prioritizing inclusive language in marketing translation and keeping your clients smiling. We’ll also touch on approaching the concept of inclusivity with clients, because educating them is key to the success of each and every project.
Helen is a Spanish to English marketing translator based in the south of Spain. Having built her freelance business from the ground up, she now works with a wide range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to grassroots non-profit organizations. She also forms part of the team at TranslaStars , an e-learning platform for translators and interpreters, through which she has also created several courses on inclusivity.

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Are you a one-trick pony? Has your writing style become stuck in a rut?
You’re great at financial documents but when it comes to marketing texts your box of tricks is empty.
In an age when content is being churned out on a massive scale, the old saying of “It’s not what you say, it’s the way that you say it” rings true more than ever.
What can you do to make sure you’re not left behind? You may be a good translator, but you could be even better if you put on a copywriting hat.
This presentation will give you solid tips on how to dust off your writing skills and expand your career horizons.
Andrea Garfield-Barkworth has been translating German to English for more than thirty years and for more than half that time, she’s been running her own business – The English Translator. Andrea comes from Lancashire, UK and is now based in Appel in Northern Germany. She translates for a variety of magazines and periodicals.
More recently, she became interested in copywriting and completed the College of Media and Publishing Copywriting course with Distinction. Besides the German translators’ association, Andrea is also a member of ProCopywriters. She has given several talks on the importance of Tone of Voice and ways to practise honing your writing skills and applying this to your translations.

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What should we know and do to stay competitive in our industry in the upcoming years? We will explore the newest developments in technology that is relevant to translators and outline the trends. This includes increased mobility with the possibility to work from anywhere, use of cloud storage and cloud tools, and the related aspects like backup, networks, and security.
We will also check on the advancement of machine translation, and see what services are available and for what kind of tasks they can be use. We’ll have a look at the awaits our industry in near future according to what the big players expect. An important part of the session is sharing of knowledge, so bring your experience, concerns, and question, and will discuss them together!
I am a freelance translator (English to Czech) with more than 25 years of experience in the industry. I specialize in business, marketing, legal and IT translations as well as website/software localization. Recently, my favourite type of jobs has been subtitling of shows and movies for TV and VoD providers. I’m keen on technologies, trying to stay in touch with the latest developments in the world of computers, communications, online services, and translation tools. I’m not an early adopter, but I closely watch the new trends and join in at early stages. I like to share my knowledge and experience with others, as well as gather new ideas and feedback from peers and colleagues at conferences, meetings, and online events.

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A ‘fake it until you make it’ approach won’t get you far in legal translation. Knowing the law will. But how do you go about it? How do you specialise? Studying law can be a daunting prospect for translators with a linguistic background who are looking to acquire a new (or another) legal specialisation. The ever-evolving and jurisdiction-specific nature of the law requires a long-term commitment to learning and a clear strategy. Adopting a systematic approach to specialisation is the best way to develop an effective strategy that will help you succeed and stand out as a legal translator.
Irene Corchado Resmella is an English-Spanish translator based in Edinburgh, UK. She works exclusively as a sworn and legal translator, strongly focusing on private client law. Irene specialises in the law of wills and succession across three jurisdictions (England & Wales, Spain, and Scotland). She is a Chartered Linguist and an affiliate member of STEP. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram as ICR Translations.

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We have control over our own actions, thoughts and reactions, but not on those of the industry. In order to master this approach, constant practice and training are needed. To what degree can we influence the behaviour of the market, of our clients or of our competitors? Epictetus said: “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” Seneca taught us: “Life is long if you know how to use it.” Paraphrasing Marcus Aurelius: “Waste no more time arguing about what a good translator should be. Be one.”
The session covers: why professional behaviour, time management, continuous improvement are crucial for the wellbeing of our businesses and how to look at the works of Stoic philosophers in order to get fresh ideas about business practices.The session is not a “how-to” guide, it only gives a less common view on how to improve our freelancing lives.
Dana has been a freelance translator for 25 years, she translates ESG, technical, lifestyle, cosmetics. She is a mechanical engineer and holds various certifications in quality and environmental management. She is interested in food history, art and music, she is a keen concert-goer and a hiker. Baking is her favourite mental relaxation technique.She loves to attend translators’ gatherings and she organises one in her hometown. danaszabados.com
Thursday/Friday, 12/13 May 2022
On Thursday we’ll probably offer additional walking tours in Lisbon, or you can form groups of your own to visit specific districts. A half-day trip to Belém is a must.
This is also a great time to go on a day trip. The most obvious destination is Sintra, and quite likely we’ll have an organized trip to this beautiful small town.
IMPORTANT: As of now (7 February) there are no organized day trips or walking tours, although these may be on offer later on. You can always use the event app to form groups, and you’ll find some useful tips on whtat to see in and around Lisbon.
Other possible day trip destinations include Tomar and Évora, to name but a few.
In fact, you can easily combine BP22 with a week-long trip around Portugal, but to see it all, you’ll need at least 2-3 weeks.
Here are most of the approved speakers / sessions of the conference.
The remaining few will be added soon.
Also, a more detailed description of each session, together with speaker bios, will be available soon.
Physical attendance
The event will take place at Hotel Ramada Wyndham in Lisbon, with about 300 attendees from 40 countries.
After two years of successive waves of the pandemic and a series of travel restictipons it is hard to predict the numbers, but as it looks now, we’ll be able to hold the event in a physical format. (You’ll find some Covid-19-specific information further below.)
All physical attendees will be able to attend any sessions during the conference, and they’ll have access to the conference app (more on this below). The conference ticket will also cover catering at the conference itself (i.e. excluding dinners).
Remote attendance
To reflect the changing realities, BP22 will be a hybrid event, which means you’ll be able to watch the sessions online in real time.
What’s more, you’ll be part of the conference crowd, with full access to the conference app, and you’ll be able to interact with the speakers and the rest of the audience in real time.
You’ll also have access to all recordings.
Event app
By popular demand, once again we’ll be using Whova as our event app. You’ll be able set up your attendee profile, search other attendees by name, specialization, or other information, send messages to other attendees, or talk to them on forums, and so on.
All sessions will be listed, together with their speaker info, short description, starting times, and remote access details. Also, you’ll be able to watch the recordings right in the app.
Both physical and remote attendees will have access to the app, which will be available from February.
You’ll be able to register to BP22 Translation Conference by purchasing your ticket right here on this website. You can find the available options below.
As a rule of thumb, the earlier you buy your ticket, the cheaper it will be.
As soon as the event app will be available, you will also receive an invitation to join. Holders of ‘Remote Premium’, ‘Lisbon Basic’ and ‘Lisbon Premium’ tickets will have access to the app.
Donations for Ukraine
Starting 26 February, a percentage of each purchase will be forwarded to an aid organization helping refugees arriving from Ukraine into Hungary.
There are several ways and channels where you can support refugees and/or the organizations within Ukraine. As a company established in Hungary, for us the most straightforward and legal option is to support an aid organization based in Hungary — and this is also the form where we are able to donate the most.
The organization of choice is Budapest Bike Maffia, a grassroots charity that first started off delivering food and blankets to homeless people on the streets of Budapest. Now they are involved in delivering blankets, clothing, food, and other necessary items to the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, as well as providing assistance to the refugees in Budapest and elsewhere in Hungary. (Their website hasn’t been updated for a while, but their FB feed is up-to-date, showing they are now most actively supporting Ukrainian refugees.)
Later on we may channel funds to other aid organizations, as the situation changes.
The following percentages will be applied to the net amounts:
’Lisbon’ tickets: 4%
’Remote’ tickets: 16%
Video Library: 70%
Workshops, dinners: 4%
Advertising package: 30%
For example, if you purchase a ’Lisbon Basic’ ticket, a workshop, and a 1-year access to BP Video Library, the total net amount is 427€, out of which 36.88€ will be forwarded to the aid organization.
BP Translation Conferences may choose to forward donations to other charities or aid organizations as well that work for a similar cause.
Also, when we manage to cover own conference expenses, we may be able to donate a higher percentage of our revenue.
Since the conference takes place in Portugal, we have to comply with all Portuguese regulations, including those on the payment of value added tax (VAT). The Portuguese VAT rate is 23%, and you will need to pay it in the following cases:
Physical attendance (conference , workshops, dinners, as well as advertising):
23% VAT if (a) you purchase as an individual, no matter where you live (Portugal, other EU, outside EU), or (b) you purchase as a company based in Portugal.
No VAT if (c) you purchase as a company based in a EU member state apart from Portugal, and you can provide a valid VAT number that’s recognized by EU’s VIES database, or (d) you purchase as a company based outside the EU. In this case it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re eligible for VAT-free purchases outside your country, no validation will be made on our side.
Remote attendance and video library:
23% VAT if (e) you purchase as an individual based in Portugal or another EU member state, or (f) you purchase as a company based in Portugal.
No VAT if (g) you purchase as an individual or a company outside the EU, or (h) you purchase as a company based in a EU member state apart from Portugal, and you can provide a valid VAT number that’s recognized by EU’s VIES database.
Company outside the EU?
If you purchase a conference ticket or related services as a company based outside the European Union, you don’t have to pay VAT.
Unfortunately the invoicing plugin that we use cannot make this distinction. On the Checkout page it may appear that no VAT amount is charged on your purchase, but after pressing the Payment button, your card will be charged with the full amount, including VAT. This is a known issue, but there’s no easy fix.
If you purchase your ticket and related services as a company based outside the EU, please send us an email with your invoicing details (company name and address), as well as the items you wish to purchase, and we’ll send you the payment details for bank transfer or create a payment link on Stripe (card processing service). Once your payment arrives, we’ll issue an invoice manually.

Visible presence
We offer various channels for our sponsors to present their services to a dedicated bunch of professional translators. If all goes well, we expect over 300 physical attendees, and the same number of remote attendees, from a total of around 60 countries.
Depending on your sponsorship level, you’ll be able to get your message across on various platforms, including this website, the event app, exhibition stands at the venue, sponsodered sessions, sponsored fringe events, networking sessions for remote attendees, images and/or videos displayed during break at the venue and/or on Zoom, bag inserts, and so on.
We’ll be glad to send you more information by email. (info at BPconf.com)
Frequently Asked Questions
More information will be added soon
Where does your money go
Organizing conferences involves payments of large sums of money for room and equipment rental, catering, wifi coverage, video crew, as well as miscellaneous items such as conference bags, rollups, notepads, lanyards, and so on. Several smaller items include monthly or percentage-based fees for payment processing, and various web-based services. We also need to cover the expenses incurred by conference speakers.
Large chunks of your payment go to various taxes both in Portugal and Hungary.
Since 26 February, we donate a percentage of all ticket sales to aid organizations working directly with Ukrainian refugees arriving in Hungary.
Whatever is left compensates the conference organizer for rejecting various large translation projects in favour of organizing this event.
Entry into Portugal
On 6 February, the Portuguese government confirmed that travellers who have a digital EU COVID certificate and can thus prove their recovery from COVID-19 or their vaccination status will no longer have to present a negative test to enter Portugal as of Monday (7 February). Some other vaccination certificates are also accepted as proof.
Travellers who have to present a negative test for entry should note that the validity of so-called lateral flow tests has been reduced from 48 to 24 hours.
This section will be updateed as new information becomes available.
Here is a frequently updated page with with all COVID-related information
Invitation letters
If you need a visa to enter Portugal, you may need to present an invitation letter together with your visa application.
As a first step, check out this website (Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to find out if you need a visa, and where do you need to apply for a visa. Ask at the relevant embassy or consulate if you need to submit an invitation letter from the the organizer of an event you wish to attend.
BP Translation Conferences, as the event organizer, can issue such an inviation letter. Only genuine applications will be supported.
You may need to submit your visa application well in advance.
Please note that we cannot take any responsibility in case your visa application is rejected. What we can do is giving you a refund amounting to the difference between what you paid and the price of the ‘Remote Premier’ ticket at the time of you informing us about your visa rejection.
Mask policy
Currently masks are compulsory at all events, but proof of vaccination/ recovery/ recent testing is not required.
Hopefully the pandemic will subdue by May, and the obligation to wear masks will be lifted.
Also, masks are currently compulsory on public transport and in shops/museums.
Here is a frequently updated page with with all COVID-related information
Cancellation due to COVID
If you cannot attend the event physically because you contract Covid-19, or if your country becomes classified as unsafe (‘red’), and you inform us about this up to 4 days before the event starts, you’ll receive a refund amounting to the difference between the physical attendance and remote attendance tickets at the time of you purchase.
The conference hotel gives you a full refund on your room booking if you must cancel your attendance due to the reasons mentioned above and you notify them up to 3 days before the event starts.
For the refund of your transportation ticket, please check the conditions of your airline or other transport company. (Some airlines offer COVID-related insurance for such eventualities.)
Special diets
We have agreements with all the venues (i.e. the conferece hote where you can indicate if you need gluten-free, lactose-free, or vegan meal.l and both restaurants) to cater for special dietary requirements.
At BP Translation Conferences, attendees can indicate if they follow any special diet. You will receive a form about 4-5 weeks before the event where you will be able indicate if you need lactose-free, gluten-free, or vegan meals, or if you are allergic to a pecific ingredient.
You’ll also be able indicate if you can eat meat or if you are vegetarian.
Wherever possible, we will ask the venues to display allergy information.
Wheelchair access
The conference venue is wheelchair-accessible, although we still need to confirm if they have barrier-free hotel rooms as well.
The venue of our welcome reception (Zambeze rooftop café) is accessible by wheelchair, but unfortunately the venue of our gala dinner (Casa do Alentejo) is not.
See our Practicalities page for more practical information about the event.
Some cool metrics from our 8 conferences (BP14 to BP21)
BPconf for Ukraine
BP Translation Conferences have been built on the premise that us, translators, are by definition help bringing people of different backgrounds together – and BPconf gather such people together once a year to celebrate our profession and the diversity that comes with it.
We have condemned the war against Ukraine from the first moment, and since then BPconf helps refugees from Ukraine, albeit with limited resources. The power of the international translators’ community was first shown in 2015, during the Syrian refugee crisis, this conference organizer raised 4000€ in just a few days to provide food and basic necessities. This time the exodus of refugees is even bigger.
We condemn the aggression, we are in touch with former and regular BPconf attendees in Ukraine, and provide assistance if necessary.
We are also aware that the majority of former BPconf attendees in Russia also condemn the war.
BPconf’s post about Ukraine on social media