Ellen Singer

BP18 Translation Conference speaker Ellen Singer

Ellen Singer has been a technical translator for more than twenty years at AzTech Solutions, a small translation agency that provides a wide range of services. Although she specializes in technical translation and has used CAT tools since the nineties, Ellen’s interests and skills are far-ranging. She relishes the challenge of projects requiring creativity and rhyming skills, as well as transcreation projects, and she has spoken at translation conferences on a wide range of topics. Ellen and Enrico manage their business and three children together.


BP18 Translation Conference Ellen Singer Cross-pollination

The market is changing. Fewer agencies provide added value and more customers are reaching out to freelancers to reduce costs but also because of the personal touch. The customer needs a product that is finished, either from the freelancer or an agency. Translators cannot all have the same skills set. Which is why we should cooperate with other freelancers and (small) agencies to provide what the customer needs. This ensures the customer is loyal and does not go fishing in other ponds…

This talk will address various different ways to cooperate with others to provide a quality product. There are various factors to consider. Specialization and the language combination can be identical or different or even the opposite. An additional skill or two. It takes time to put teams together. When you have a versatile team behind you, achieving life-work balance also becomes easier. There will be feast and famine, but the highs and lows will be less severe and the work will be more interesting! And best of all, having them in your team, means you are in their team, their marketing is also your marketing.


This talk is scheduled for Thursday, 19 April 2018.