Carolina Walliter

BP18 Translation Conference speaker Carolina Walliter

Carolina Walliter is a Brazilian historian, translator, conference interpreter, and copywriter with over 6 years’ experience in corporate communications, marketing, tourism, human resources, and e-commerce. She contributes to the translation community with her blog, Pronoia Tradutória, where she addresses some of the challenges she and her peers face in the LSA industry. She also blogs about how does it feel to be a woman solopreneur, encouraging fellow colleagues to embrace the profession as an act of self-discovery and empowerment. Self-proclaimed coworking evangelist and digital nomad, Carolina enjoys spreading the word about new and untraditional ways of working in the quest for the so-called work-life balance.

A killer CV: let’s get visual!

BP18 Translation Conference Carolina Walliter: A killer CV: let's get visual

It’s getting increasingly harder to absorb written information nowadays with the large amount of content we consume from different media. And what does this have to do with your translator career? Everything. The language service industry also has to cope with the onslaught of information to which we are exposed on a daily basis: agencies receive many CVs a day, most of them failing to properly target the desired position. In such scenario, even highly qualified translators can be overlooked by recruiters. As human communication gets increasingly visual in the 21st century, couldn’t we use a bit of innovation to prospect clients?

This session will present the concept of visual CVs and provide tips on how you can make your CV stand out in the crowd. This talk was the best rated session of the 8th Intl. Conference of the Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters (Abrates).


This talk is scheduled for Thursday, 19 April.